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No post this week.

Well, except this post explaining that I suppose.

But no content.

Well, except for this content explaining that I suppose.


Well, I might as well write something now.

The team that I'm responsible for (Shard Capacity Management) sits within an internal organisation known as Production Engineering. All told we're a few hundred people strong, which is hilarious to reflect on, because that's bigger than my last company at its largest.

Scale is weird.

Anyway, I travelled to Sydney this week in order to do a Production Engineering leadership offsite. You know, one of those things that managers and principal engineers go to every now and then to ensure that everyone is on the same page and the group isn't pulling in a billion different directions?

Though, I suppose it's more of an onsite these days, because we didn't go anywhere. We just all went into the office.

That makes it seem pretty blasé though, and it wasn't. I mean, we had to truck like 30 people into Sydney from faraway places like Europe, the US and India. Hell of an investment, but as I've experienced first-hand, getting people together to solidify remote relationships is worth it.

So, no blog post.

Well, no meaningful blog post, just this scattered stream of words.

Good opportunity to use the Confused Travolta meme though.